This year, I've felt a real sense of new beginnings after returning back to my creativity through drawing, writing and building a community of artists within my local area. Whilst taking some time away from my artwork, I can only describe it as feeling like a bird who had forgotten how to fly. I often wondered, "Will I ever fly again? And will I know how to do it right?" But the very moment I opened my wings, I found my way back home.
William Shakespeare once wrote, "The earth has music for those who listen." Well, I couldn't agree more. Only recently did I begin to question why the sound of birds singing brought me such a sense of calm and peace. I later discovered that birdsong promotes relaxation, signalling to our subconscious that we are in a secure environment when birds are chirping. When we hear nature thriving, it signifies a place where humans could thrive too. Isn't that magical?
Nature is my greatest inspiration. I'm in my element when I'm walking through the pinewoods, watching a sunset, growing my own fruit and vegetables or arranging fresh flowers.
Experimenting with art has become an essential part of my work. I've realised, after many years, that drawing out the lines and off the page is so much more fun!